Dual Track Scrum Tools and Techniques, Part 2

Within Scrum, a product backlog is used for tracking prioritized development requirements as normally determined by the product owner.  In Dual Track Scrum, it is recommend to use a separate backlog for the Discovery track.  Essentially, the discovery track backlog will “feed” into the product delivery backlog.  Discovery tracks would include techniques such as UserContinue reading “Dual Track Scrum Tools and Techniques, Part 2”

Dual Track Scrum Tools and Techniques

To continue on Dual Track Scrum (DTS), please note at this juncture, I have not put any of these steps fully in practice and so they are purely from a theoretical perspective, although I am aware that DTS pundits such as Aaron Sanders has implemented these tools and techniques within multiple organizations. To recap, DualContinue reading “Dual Track Scrum Tools and Techniques”

Dual Track Scrum continued

In my last blog, the topic of Dual-Track Scrum (DTS) was brought up.  That was for my initial impressions.  Now this blog covers a deeper dive.  The ideas behind DTS started with Marty Cagan in 2009 and expanded to being supported by Jeff Patton and Aaron Sanders, among others. Essentially, Dual-Track Scrum follows core ScrumContinue reading “Dual Track Scrum continued”

Building Good User Stories

In developing accurate requirements and derive accurate estimates from client engagements, user stories are increasingly becoming the de facto standard for documenting. Simple in concept, but difficult to master, user stories have this basic format: As a <actor/user>, I can/want <what> so that <why> The “how” is kept out, since that is what the deliveryContinue reading “Building Good User Stories”